Student NumbersData

Student Numbers provides the most accurate, up-to-date data on over 6,000 colleges, universities, and higher education institutions across the United States. We gather our data from a variety of sources, and carefully clean the datasets to create the most seamless college research platform available. Our advanced statistical techniques ensure accurate data across all of our school pages.

• 6,000+ U.S colleges, universities, and higher education institutions

• Over 2 Million school data points analyzed

Our data sources include:


The Integrated Postsecondary Education Data System (IPEDS)**The U.S. Department of Education NCES, National Center for Education Statistics. Data gathered from IPEDS includes lists of accredited colleges, admissions rates, general cost and tuition numbers, financial aid statistics, and study body information.

College Scorecard from the U.S. Department of Education

The U.S. Department of Education College Scorecard. Data gathered from the College Scorecard includes majors, after college outcomes, and student body information.

EADA: Equity in Athletics Data Analysis

The U.S. Department of Education EADA, Equity in Athletics Data Analysis. Data gathered from EADA includes all athletics related statistics.

DAPIP: Database of Accredited Postsecondary Institutions and Programs

The U.S. Department of Education DAPIP. Provides detailed data on various accreditations for each school.

Public disclosures from various U.S. colleges and universities

When we cannot reliably locate school data from government sources, we will directly gather information from publicly available documents provided by each college or university.