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Student Numbers makes finding your dream school easier than ever, with accurate data for thousands of U.S. colleges and universities.

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Student Numbers is the most trusted data source for higher education information across America. Effortlessly compare programs, cost, admissions information, and more to find the perfect match for you.


Comprehensive data for over 6,000 U.S. colleges and universities

Tired of searching through school websites to find the information you need? We sorted through millions of data points to create the easiest to use platform for researching college.


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Search verified statistics for thousands of U.S. schools. Student Numbers has exclusive data that other sites don’t have.


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Easily compare key metrics across the schools you’re interested in.


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Find your dream school and apply knowing you have all of the information.

What other students are saying

Thousands of students have trusted Student Numbers to make better informed college decisions.

I’m so grateful for Student Numbers! I used to spend hours on college websites researching. Being able to find everything in one place saved me so much time.

Maria B.

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Whether you’re researching schools, financial aid information, or college life, we have the answers.

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Why your application keeps getting rejected

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